Walking without hurry, without noise

a part of the Vistula boulevard and the Vistula.JPG
Foto: Town Hall resources, a part of the Vistula boulevard and the Vistula.JPG

Lovers of long walks can stroll on the Vistula Boulevard joining both bridges of Puławy. You can also take a few marked walking trails and didactic paths.

The route by the network of Loess Ravings (yellow route named after Ryszard Bałabuch)

It leads through the Western end of the Nałęczów Plateau and the Małopolski Vistula Gorge through the terrains of the Kazimierz Landscape Park. The length of the route is 11,5 km. The trail leads through stone peaks and goes down to the network of ravings and that is why this is a beautiful and unforgettable route. The trail changed its name after death of Ryszard Bałabuch who had great knowledge about monuments of Puławy and surroundings but also the broadly understood Lublin region. His trademark was yellow colour and that is the colour of the route now.


The Vistula Valley Route (blue)

It is one of the longest trails in the Lublin region – its length is of almost 109 km. It begins in Annopol, goes through Kazimierz Dolny, Puławy and ends in Dęblin. It is one of the most beautiful walking trails in the region leading through bird refuges and terrains of exceptional meaning for nature.


The route named after Wincenty Poll (green)

The trail runs from Puławy through the Kazimierz Landscape Park, the Radom Plain along the Małopolski Vistula Gorge to Janowiec. The length of the route is 17 km.


The route of chapels of the Wojciechów Land

The route goes next to 13 wayside chapels built by the inhabitants of the community.

The trail goes through: Sporniak – Palikije – Wojciechów – Ignaców – Romanówka – Cyganówka – Halinówka – Kolonia Wojciechów I – Kolonia Wojciechów V


In the area of the Forest District Puławy there are interesting didactic paths:

The blue path: Gołąb –the Nury lake – the Forester House Gołąb (Gołąb – Jezioro Nury – Leśniczówka Gołąb)


The green path: the Forester House Gołąb – the Bonowskie meadows – the Piskory lake – the Bonowski Forest – the Forester House Gołąb (Leśniczówka Gołąb – Łąki Bonowskie – Jezioro Piskory – Las Bonowski – Leśniczówka Gołąb)


The yellow path: Niebrzegów – the Bonowskie meadows – the Piskory lake – the Gózd pond – the former riverbed of Wieprz – Niebrzegów (Niebrzegów – Łąki Bonowskie – jezioro Piskory – stawy Gózd – starorzecze Wieprza – Niebrzegów)


The red path: Borysów - the Duży Pioter Forest – the alder forest in Piskory – the Piskory lake – the dune by Piskory – the Borysów Forest – Borysów. (Borysów – Las Duży Pioter – ols and Piskorami – Jezioro Piskory – wydma nad Piskorami – Las Borysów – Borysów.)


The path makes available different landscapes and ecosystems for the educational purposes: forest, meadow, swampy and water of wide variety of nature.